Live Event Installations & Projections

Mitsubishi Outlander - Monet Exhibition Film



As one of the founders of the impressionist movement, Claude Monet certainly made an impression on the art world. His combination of light and colour was visionary, and revolutionary.

For the Monet in Paris exhibition, we articulate this idea with the phrase: Make an Impression, Not an Impact.  Claude Monet’s art is all about light, so our team at New Holland designed this journey from darkness to light, to a vivid impressionist world full of life and colour: all powered by the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV.

Over the course of the film, with live action direction from our own Ryan Maddox, we employed several technical processes of CG animation, but always found our way back to the projection of light, with Monet himself as our guide. Our film is showcased throughout the Claude Monet exhibition, as it tours Australian cities over the coming months.


Creative Director: Brendan Savage
Concept Artist: Simon Cowell
VFX Supervisor: Bryn Morrow, Dave Edwards
Previz: Mat Burri
MGFX: Luke Carvell

