Titles/Openers - TV

Mirror Mirror: Are you Well? Opening Titles

Never Sit Still


Are You Well? marks the captivating third season of Todd Sampson’s investigative series, Mirror Mirror, recently showcased on Network 10. This illuminating two-part documentary takes a critical look at the $5 trillion wellness industry, unraveling the web of unregulated therapies and misinformation that pervades this influential domain.

Our collaboration with Todd and the Baltimore Films team resulted in a visually stunning journey through the whimsical and dystopian landscapes of the wellness industry. From the title sequence to various graphic sequences, we designed and animated a complete graphics package for this eye-opening docuseries, delving into the surreal depths of an industry that blurs the line between reality and fantasy.


Client — Baltimore Films
Director — Jeff Siberry
Writer & Host — Todd Sampson
Animation Studio — Never Sit Still
Sound Mix & Design — The D.A's Office
Broadcaster — Network 10

Studio Director — Mike Tosetto
Project Lead — Supriya Bhonsle
Producer — Darcy Green
Conceptual Development — Supriya Bhonsle, Izzie Trudgian, James Vallance, Sylvia Leo
Look Development — Supriya Bhonsle, Sylvia Leo
Illustration — Supriya Bhonsle, Sylvia Leo, James Valance, Mulanne Phan, Ben Walker
2D Animation — Supriya Bhonsle, James Valance, Sylvia Leo, Nancy Li, Mulanne Phan, Howe Tom, Maximilian Cao
3D Animation — James Valance, Sylvia Leo, Howe Tom


After Effects, Cinema 4D