Live Event Installations & Projections

LEGO projections onto Australian Parliament House

The Electric Canvas


For this year's Enlighten Festival, The Electric Canvas produced a quirky and fun animated projection based on the extensive Lego™ model of Parliament House that is on public display in its foyer. The façade of the Great Veranda was reconstructed using Lego™ bricks that were rigged to perform animated cutaways and collapses to help transition the narrative. With the Department of Parliamentary Services assitance, TEC directed a macro photo shoot of the model to capture the depiction of both houses of parliament in session. Hours of painstaking work was undertaken to deep etch the various Lego™ figures, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate. Backgrounds were restored where each figure had been removed, so the figures could be composited back in and animated with movement. The soundtrack was comprised of a bespoke music track with actual, sometimes raucous, recordings from both Houses.


Artists of The Electric Canvas


Blender, Maxon Cinema 4D, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects