For the third season of The Mandalorian, ILM’s Sydney studio added 3 unique environments to the Star Wars universe.


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TV Series

The Mandalorian - Season 3

Industrial Light & Magic (ILM)

Our first stop leads us to the flooded Mines of Mandalore, a mystical location where the Mythosaur existed a long time ago. Bo-Katan dives to rescue the Mandalorian who has been dropped deep into the water and on the way up she spots the Mythosaur for a moment. Animation, Environments, and the FX departments had to play hand in hand to show the danger of the situation.

The second environment takes us to Bo-Katan’s home planet, Kalevalah, where we see her and the Mandalorian fighting in a landscape inspired by the cliffs around Neist Point in Scotland. Bo-Katan's castle, which later in the sequence gets destroyed, was developed to fit in this vast environment. Full, as well as partial, environments had to be matched to the live-action plate to get a seamless but challenging landscape for the chase.

Lastly, we find our heroes in a gigantic Eagle Monster Nest where they face a trio of oversized Eagle Chicks and fight off the attack of their mum. Creating new worlds that fit seamlessly into the existing Star Wars legacy is always a challenge and the team in Sydney managed to deliver.


Gabriel Reichle (VFX Supervisor), Corinne Teng (Producer), Dan Kripac (CG Supervisor), Tomas Lefebvre (2D Supervisor), Mat Walsh (ILM Animation Supervisors), Alan Lam (Lead Artists), Jacob Santamaria (Lead Artists), Jayden Beveridge (Lead Artists), Vivian David (Lead Artists), Hayes Brien (Lead Artists)


Zeno (ILM Proprietary), Maya, Houdini, Katana, Nuke