Short Film


Triple Meat


SMOKO is a short animated film created to showcase the multifaceted talents at Triple Meat, the adult-content wing of Independent Australian animation studio DAVE Enterprises.

SMOKO taps into the rich vein of quintessential Australian humour and the art of arguing for the hell of it.

Free flowing, crass and uncensored, no topic is off limits for the show's heroes. Brandon the fit, well meaning millennial tradie and his park bench companion Brenda, the crooked, dry-witted boomer bin chicken. Each day these two meet to have a natter (chat). It’s their fifteen minute morning ritual, the sacrosanct break known colloquially as “SMOKO”.

Inspired by the intergenerational biffs (arguments) that make up so much internet fodder, Triple Meat decided to explore the differing ideas and opinions in a light-hearted way. In the end, it’s obvious these two actually have more in common than they are comfortable admitting. This is where you catch a glimpse of this film's heart; no matter where they start, by the end of Smoko we're always on common ground.

The animation style is deceptively simple: the focus remains on the daily joust between our two miscreants. This is what creator, Steve Cooper, wanted to capture when he pitched this mini tv series to Director, Adam Gunn (Gunny), who embellished it with his own brand of humour. Michael Pattison (Geordie), project Producer and Head of Production oversaw rewrites and the boarding process and brought Andrew Collins (Andy) into the mix as the Lead Animator.

Every panel on SMOKO is digitally hand drawn and painted, a rare artform these days due to the intense amount of labour and high level of skill required. Poor Andy right? Luckily Triple Meat had veteran Ian Harrowell and visual effects animator Ben Grimshaw to help out.
There is always something magical about working with people you know. Some of these friendships date back more than 30 years and the comradery it brings can be felt in the finished product.


Lead Animator Andrew Collins
Assisttant Animator Ian Harrowell
VFX Ben Grimshaw

Executive Producers Steve Cooper, Stuart Cunningham and Sean Aspinall.
Prodcer Michael Pattison
Written by Steve Cooper and Adam Gunn
Director Adam Gunn
Editor Kylebrench Rose Villarama
Production Coord Erin Black


ToonBoom Storyboard Pro, Toonboom Harmony & Adobe Photoshop