Web / Viral

Never Sit Still Motion Corpse

Never Sit Still


A motion corpse is a collaborative animation project where participants contribute small segments to create a complete animated sequence. The final animation is created by stitching together these independently crafted segments.​​​​​​​

Inspired by the move to our new studio, we made our very own animated motion corpse to celebrate the momentous occasion. Each team member was challenged to communicate an aspect of studio life that resonates with them, using only our Never Sit Still brand colours.

The process involved everyone in our team designing a frame. These frames were then distributed randomly to be used as the transition point between every individual 3 - 4 second scene. The final animations were assembled with original music and sound design, showcasing the team's diverse talents and collaboration.


Animation Studio — Never Sit Still
Sound Design — Smith & Western

Studio Director — Mike Tosetto
Producer — Darcy Green, Sharon Lim
Project Lead — Supriya Bhonsle

Design and animation (in order of shot sequence):
Bruno Borio – Skating to work
Sylvia Leo – Our new coffee machine
Chantelle Micallef – Our pool table
Supriya Bhonsle – Private phone booths
Isabelle Trudgian – Joining the NSS puzzle
Ben Walker – Getting stuck in the lift
Max Cao – Plants, plants, and more plants
Zoe Crocker – Adding another Vespa to the team
Nancy Li – Mike’s mouth trumpet
James Vallance – The hangout zone
Mulanne Phan – 4pm stretch
Howe Tom – Explosive ping pong battles
Melany Webster – Custom Slack emojis


After Effects, Cinema 4D, cel animation