Live Event Installations & Projections

Natural Rhythms of Australia - Spring - 'EMERGENCE'



This 12 month-long generative AI motion art exhibition, is a captivating ecological journey through natural and environmental events in Australia’s flora, fauna and climate. Across 4 exhibition themes, ‘Natural Rhythms of Australia’ depicts sequential changes and triggers that occur at specific times of the yearly cycle.

From subtle transformations in the air and soil, specific plant flowerings and fruitings, to noticeable quirks in animal behaviour, it offers that the seasons are not constrained by calendar months and years, but by a cyclical rhythm that sustains and replenishes itself; a rhythm honed over the billions of years that our planet, and the life on it, has existed.

Utilising a custom built workflow of generative artificial intelligence tools, the generative AI motion artwork was developed over the course of a year by VANDAL’s AI Atelier team. The result is a world-first in smooth, ultra-high resolution generative AI motion art.

‘Natural Rhythms of Australia’ is on display at Darling Quarter and will run for 12 months.


Stable Diffusion